Linux Security ============== .. contents:: Table of Contents Permissions ----------- User, Group, and Other ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Normal Linux file permissions are grouped into three categories: owner, group, and other users access. Permissions can be defined for what the user, group, or anyone else can do to the file. This can be defined with letters or numbers. - read (r,4) = Read access. - write (w,2) = Write access. - execute (x,1) = Executable access. The addition of these numbers makes up the entire access. For example, "rwx" would equal "777." [1] :: -rwxr-xr--. 1 root bob 0 Oct 22 13:11 example_file.txt :: user (root): rwx = 7 group (bob): r-x = 5 other: r-- = 4 These permissions can be modified with the "chmod" command. Example (numbers): .. code-block:: sh $ chmod 775 Example (letters): .. code-block:: sh $ chmod g+w,o+x [1] Authentication -------------- Passwords ~~~~~~~~~ Expiration ^^^^^^^^^^ Use the `passwd `__ to force a password to be changed immediately. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo passwd --expire Or use `chage `__ to force a password change on a specified date. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo chage --lastday -- Or use ``chage`` to force a password change after a specified number of days. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo chage --maxdays View details about password expiration for a user. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo chage --list sudo ~~~~ ``sudo`` is a command used to provide elevated privileges in Linux so users can run commands as if they were the ``root`` user. It is similar to User Account Control (UAC) on Windows. It is installed by default on many Linux distributions except for a few such as Debian. A normal user account can run commands as if they were the ``root`` user by using the syntax ``sudo ``. The main configuration file is ``/etc/sudoers`` but it is recommended to create a new file ``/etc/sudoers.d/`` for additional configurations. The permissions are very strict on these files and the configuration will not load if they are incorrect. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo touch /etc/sudoers.d/example $ sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/example $ sudo chown root:root /etc/sudoers.d/example Configuration options [12]: - `` ALL=(ALL) `` = Allow a user to only run the specified command with ``sudo``. - `` ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL`` = Allow a user to run any command with ``sudo`` without entering their password. - `` ALL=(ALL) ALL`` = Allow a user to run any command with ``sudo``. - ``%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL`` = Allow all users in the ``sudo`` group to run any command with ``sudo``. - ``ALL ALL=(ALL) ALL`` = Allow every user to use sudo. - ``Defaults =,=`` = Configure default settings for all valid ``sudo`` users. - ``Defaults: =,=`` = Configure default settings for a single specified ``sudo`` user. - ``Defaults passwd_tries=`` = Default: ``5``. The number of times to allow a password to be entered in before locking a user account - ``Defaults timestamp_timeout=`` = Default: ``15``. The number of minutes to wait before prompting a user to enter their password again. Set to ``0`` to always require a password. Set to ``-1`` to only ever require a password once. - ``Defaults timestamp_type=global,timestamp_timeout=`` = Setting the timestamp type to ``global`` makes the settings apply to all TTYs. This means that when a user enters a password in one TTY for ``sudo``, it will be valid for all other logged in sessions of the same user. Kerberos ~~~~~~~~ Kerberos provides authentication for services over a network. A Kerberos server provides remote users with a "ticket" to use after they log in. This ticket is used to validate authentication with various services including FTP, SSH, NFS, etc. [2] Ports: - 88 TCP/UDP - 464 TCP/UDP - 749 TCP/UDP - 6620 TCP/UDP - 6621 TCP/UDP - 6623 TCP/UDP [3] Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Kerberos sever is referred to as the Kerberos Distribution Center (KDC). These packages will need to be installed for the service: RHEL: .. code-block:: sh $ sudo yum install krb5-server krb5-workstation pam_krb5 Debian: .. code-block:: sh $ sudo apt-get install krb5-kdc krb5-admin-server libpam-krb5 The principal database needs to be generated. First replace "EXAMPLE.COM" with the domain to be used. For this example, the realm "ROOTPAGES.TLD" will be used. - /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf .. code-block:: ini [kdcdefaults] kdc_ports = 88 kdc_tcp_ports = 88 [realms] ROOTPAGES.TLD = { #master_key_type = aes256-cts acl_file = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl dict_file = /usr/share/dict/words admin_keytab = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab supported_enctypes = aes256-cts:normal aes128-cts:normal des3-hmac-sha1:normal arcfour-hmac:normal camellia256-cts:normal camellia128-cts:normal des-hmac-sha1:normal des-cbc-md5:normal des-cbc-crc:normal } - /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/adm5.acl :: */admin@ROOTPAGES.TLD * The principal is made by running the command below. It will create a new database and associated files for the realm "ROOTPAGES.TLD." .. code-block:: sh $ sudo kdb5_util create -s -r ROOTPAGES.TLD Uncomment all of the lines in /etc/krb5.conf and then replace all references to "" and EXAMPLE.COM" with the server's domain name/realm. [3] For testing, "rdns=false" and "ignore\_acceptor\_hostname=true" in the "[libdefaults]" section should be used to prevent DNS issues. [5] .. code-block:: ini [logging] default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log [libdefaults] dns_lookup_realm = false ticket_lifetime = 24h renew_lifetime = 7d forwardable = true rdns = false default_realm = ROOTPAGES.TLD default_ccache_name = KEYRING:persistent:%{uid} [realms] ROOTPAGES = { kdc = kdc.rootpages.tld admin_server = kdc.rootpages.tld } [domain_realm] .rootpages.tld = ROOTPAGES.TLD rootpages.tld = ROOTPAGES.TLD Start the KDC service. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo systemctl start krb5kdc Optionally, the admin authentication service can be started to allow remote management. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo systemctl start kadmin Now define the root user and KDC host as allowed principals. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo kadmin.local -p root/admin :: kadmin: addprinc root/admin kdamin: addprinc -randkey host/kdc.rootpages.tld Additional Kerberos users can also be created. :: kadmin: addprinc Allow Kerberos authentication via SSH. File: /etc/ssh/sshd_config :: GSSAPIAuthentication yes GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes File: /etc/ssh/ssh_config :: Host * GSSAPIAuthentication yes GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes .. code-block:: sh $ sudo systemctl reload sshd Allow remote authentication through this KDC. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo authconfig --enablekrb5 --update Verify that the authentication works. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo su - $ kinit $ klist [2][4] SSL/TLS Certificates -------------------- SSL/TLS certificates provide a symmetric key-pair, similar to SSH keys. SSL is an older protocol that is vulnerable and no longer supported. It was succeeded by TLS. A TLS cipher suite consist of 4 different algorithms: (1) the key exchange, (2) the authentication, (3) the bulk encyrption, and (4) message authentication code (MAC). A server defines what cipher suite it supports. A client that connects to a server negotiates for a cipher suite that it is compatible with and then uses that for securely connecting. [6] - Key exchange = Encrypt both of the symmetric keys. - Authentication = Sign and verify certificates. - Bulk encyrption = Encrypt data to and from a server. A key generated with this algorithm requires a password. - MAC = Checks the integrity of the data being sent and received. Top algorithms [7]: - Key exchange: 1. ECDHE 2. RSA - Authentication: 1. ECDSA 2. RSA - Bulk encryption: 1. AES256-GCM 2. CHACHA20 3. AES128-GCM 4. AES256 5. AES128 - MAC: 1. SHA384 2. POLY1305 3. SHA256 Certificate Creation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Self-signed certificates and keys can be manually created. Web browsers and tools will show these as unverified since a trusted certificate authority (CA) did not sign the certificate. The benefit is that secure TLS connections can still be used. - Create a CA key. .. code-block:: sh $ openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096 - Create a root certificate. .. code-block:: sh $ openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca.key -days 365 -out ca.crt -subj "/C=/ST=/L=/O=/OU=/CN=" [8] - Create a symmetric key-pair. This file will be used as the private key file. .. code-block:: sh $ openssl genrsa -out cert.key 4096 - Optionally, extract the public key from it. .. code-block:: sh $ openssl rsa -in cert.key -pubout -out - Create a certificate signing request (CSR). This will be used by a CA to sign the certificate. .. code-block:: sh $ openssl req -new -key cert.key -out cert.csr -subj "/C=/ST=/L=/O=/OU=/CN=" [9] - Create a self-signed certificate signed by the CA. .. code-block:: sh $ openssl x509 -req -in cert.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out cert.crt -days 365 [8] - Verify that the information for the certificate is correct. .. code-block:: sh $ openssl x509 -noout -text -in cert.crt [9] Trusted Certificate Authorities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Custom certificate authorities (CAs) can be added as known trusted CAs. Arch Linux [10]: .. code-block:: sh $ sudo cp ca.crt /etc/ca-certificates/trust-source/anchors/ $ sudo update-ca-trust Debian [11]: .. code-block:: sh $ sudo cp ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ $ sudo update-ca-certificates Fedora [11]: .. code-block:: sh $ sudo cp ca.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ $ sudo update-ca-trust Encryption ---------- HashiCorp Vault ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install the CLI tool for HashiCorp Vault. [13] It can be used as a client or server. - Linux: .. code-block:: sh $ export VAULT_VER=1.13.0 $ wget "${VAULT_VER}/vault_${VAULT_VER}" $ unzip vault_${VAULT_VER} $ sudo mv ./vault /usr/local/bin/ $ vault --version - macOS: .. code-block:: sh $ export VAULT_VER=1.13.0 $ wget "${VAULT_VER}/vault_${VAULT_VER}" $ unzip vault_${VAULT_VER} $ sudo mv ./vault /usr/local/bin/ $ vault --version Server ^^^^^^ For testing purposes, it is recommended to start the server in "dev" mode. This starts the server with the following changes [15]: - Unsealed database makes all contents visible via plaintext. [16] - Ephemeral RAM storage for database contents. - The server URL uses HTTP instead of HTTPS. - ``vault login`` is not required. - The key-value (KV) secrets engine version 2 is enabled by default. - On production deployments, this engine is disabled and it defaults to version 1. [17] Start the server in "dev" mode. By default, a root token will be dynamically generated. The server can also be started with a consistent root token. .. code-block:: sh $ vault server -dev .. code-block:: sh $ vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id=root Verify that the server is working. [14] .. code-block:: sh $ export VAULT_ADDR="" $ vault status Log in manually or by exporting the token as an environment variable. .. code-block:: sh $ vault login .. code-block:: sh $ export VAULT_TOKEN= Secrets Engines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Cubbyhole ''''''''' The ``cubbyhole`` secrets engine is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. Each user in Vault has their own ``cubbyhole`` for storing secrets. Only the owner can access these secrets. Not even the root account has access to them without unsealing the database. [18][19] - Create a secret using ``cubbyhole``: .. code-block:: sh $ vault write cubbyhole/secret-store foo=bar Success! Data written to: cubbyhole/secret-store $ vault read cubbyhole/secret-store Key Value --- ----- foo bar The only way to share a secret is to create a wrapper token. This provides a single-use token that expires immediately after it has been used. - Create a wrapper token that will last for 5 minutes: .. code-block:: sh $ vault kv get -wrap-ttl=300 cubbyhole/secret-store Key Value --- ----- wrapping_token: hvs.CAESIIF2lySTD8Xnsps667buHhLatBV9XOc45LJU-8_dVMW6Gh4KHGh2cy5SeWZQaW9lSUE3cDVVdmw4TDc4RnhEYUk wrapping_accessor: 5DU2dloysFqLnGDHhwbBaQkg wrapping_token_ttl: 5m wrapping_token_creation_time: 2023-03-12 13:20:30.283721643 -0600 MDT wrapping_token_creation_path: cubbyhole/secret-store - A different user can then use that token to decrypt the secret once. [20] .. code-block:: sh $ export VAULT_TOKEN=hvs.CAESIIF2lySTD8Xnsps667buHhLatBV9XOc45LJU-8_dVMW6Gh4KHGh2cy5SeWZQaW9lSUE3cDVVdmw4TDc4RnhEYUk $ vault unwrap Key Value --- ----- foo bar $ vault unwrap Error unwrapping: Error making API request. URL: PUT Code: 400. Errors: * wrapping token is not valid or does not exist History ------- - `Latest `__ - `< 2021.10.01 `__ - `< 2019.01.01 `__ - `< 2018.01.01 `__ Bibliography ------------ 1. "Understanding Linux File Permissions." May 18, 2010. Accessed October 22, 2016. 2. "Kerberos." Ubuntu Documentation. November 18, 2014. Accessed September 25, 2016. 3. "Configuring Your Firewall to Work With Kerberos V5." Accessed September 25, 2016. 4. "CentOS 7 Configure Kerberos KDC and Client." theurbanpengiun. September 5, 2016. Accessed September 25, 2016. 5. "Principal names and DNS." MIT Kerberos Documentation. Accessed October 22, 2016.\_dns.html 6. "A Beginner’s Guide to TLS Cipher Suites." Namecheap Blog. December 22, 2020. Accessed March 21, 2021. 7. "Recommendations for TLS/SSL Cipher Hardening." The Acunetix Blog. April 10, 2019. Accessed March 21, 2021. 8. "How to Create Your Own SSL Certificate Authority for Local HTTPS Development." WP Migrate DB Pro. June 23, 2020. Accessed March 21, 2021. 9. "OpenSSL Quick Reference Guide." DigiCert. Accessed March 21, 2021. 10. "User:Grawity/Adding a trusted CA certificate." Arch Linux Wiki. June 16, 2020. Accessed April 30, 2021. 11. "How To Set Up and Configure a Certificate Authority (CA) On Debian 10." Digital Ocean Community Tutorials. April 2, 2020. Accessed April 30, 2021. 12. "sudoers(5) - Linux man page." July 16, 2012. Accessed October 19, 2022. 13. "Install Vault." HashiCorp Developer. Accessed March 12, 2023. 14. "Starting the Server." HashiCorp Developer. Accessed March 12, 2023. 15. ""Dev" Server Mode." HashiCorp Developer. Accessed March 12, 2023. 16. "Seal/Unseal." HashiCorp Developer. Accessed March 12, 2023. 17. "KV Secrets Engine - Version 2." HashiCorp Developer. Accessed March 12, 2023. 18. "Cubbyhole Secrets Engine." HashiCorp Developer. Accessed March 12, 2023. 19. "Cubbyhole secret backend per user identity #3229." GitHub hashicorp/vault. February 2, 2023. Accessed March 12, 2023. 20. "Cubbyhole Response Wrapping." HashiCorp Developer. Accessed March 12, 2023.