OpenStack ========= .. contents:: Table of Contents See also: Administrative, MySQL, Networking Utilities --------- openstack-service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Used for managing the OpenStack service states using the system's "init" utility. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "status", "show the status of the enabled OpenStack services" "restart", "restart the enabled OpenStack services" openstack-status ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Package: openstack-utils Show the status of all services and details about them using the operating system's "init" utility. This provides a more human readable format than ``openstack-service status``. openstack-config (crudini) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLI tool to modify configuration files for OpenStack (Create, Read, Update, and Delete ini configuration files) .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "--get", "show all sections" "--get --format=lines ", "show variables set in a specified configuration file" "--set
", "update a value inside of a configuration" ostestr ~~~~~~~ Tool for checking the stability of all of OpenStack's APIs using Tempest. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "", "specify a specific API to test" "--regex '(?!.*\[.*\bslow\b.*\])(^tempest\.(api|scenario))'", "show only if the test passes with ""ok"" or fails with ""FAILED""" "--parallel", "spawn multiple users for faster testing" "--list", "show all of the tests that will be run" "--no-discover", "lowers the overhead of single unit testing" "run --failing", "rerun failed tests" ospurge ~~~~~~~ This tool is used to remove all resources from a project and then delete it. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "--cleanup-project", "specify the project to remove resources from" "--own-project", "remove everything from the current project that is being used for authentication" "--dont-delete-project", "do not remove the project" openstack ~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "--all-projects", "when used with some options, it will show all resources created" "--format {csv|json|table|value|yaml}", "format the output with one of these data structures" --log-file , save the stdout and stderr to a text file --quiet, run with no verbosity (the default is 1 verbosity) -v, run with double verbosity packstack ~~~~~~~~~~ Used to deploy a proof of concept all-in-one OpenStack cloud. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "--allinone", "do an all-in-one deploy, no configuration file is needed" "--gen-answer-file ", "create an answer file to customize the configuration" "--answer-file ", "use the specified answer file" "--timeout", "specify a longer timeout for the Puppet modules" Keystone -------- openstack user ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "list", "show a list of users" openstack project ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "project list", "show tenants/projects" "user create --project --password ", "create a new user" "user set ", "update a user's account" "purge", "delete a project and all of it s resources" "purge --keep-project", "delete all of the resources in project but do not delete the project itself" "purge --dry-run", "show what resources would be deleted from the purge" openstack role ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "list", "show all roles" "show ", "show all roles available" "add --user --project ", "assign a user to a project by giving them a role to it; default roles include ""user"" and ""admin""" openstack token ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "issue", "create a new token" "revoke", "disable a specified token" openstack endpoint ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "list", "show all of the endpoints and their URLs" Glance ------ openstack image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Package: python-glanceclient .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "create", "upload an image to Glance" "list", "show all of the available images" "set ", "modify the metadata of an existing image" "save --file", "download an image and save it as a specified file name" .. csv-table:: :header: Example, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "create --public --disk-format=qcow2 --file /var/lib/libvirt/images/RHEL7.6.qcow2 --container-format=bare RHEL7.6", "create and upload a RHEL image to Glance" Cinder ------ openstack volume ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Package: python-cinderclient .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "list", "list all of the volumes" "list --all-projects", "list the volumes for all projects" "state --state {creating|deleting|in-use|attaching|detaching|error|error_deleting|maintenance}", "forcefully change the state of a volume as the admin user" Nova ---- openstack host ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "list", "show all controller and compute nodes" "show ", "show all projects and their resource usage on a specific compute node" openstack hypervisor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 stats show, show the used and available resources on the compute nodes openstack console ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "log show", "display the console log for an instance" "url show", "display the URL to access the remote console" openstack usage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "list", "shows allocated data usage for all instances" openstack keypair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manage SSH keys. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 create , create a new public and private key create --public-key ~/.ssh/ , import an existing public key .. csv-table:: :header: Example, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 openstack keypair create shared_key > shared_key.pem, create and save the private key into a file openstack server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Package: python-novaclient Manage virtual machine instances. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "list", "list instances for the current project" "list --host ", "show all instances on a specific host" "list --all-projects", "list all instances managed by Nova" "create --flavor --image --key-name --security-group --nic net-id= ", "create a new instance" "--availability-zone :", "spawn an instance on a specific hypervisor host" "--user-data", "load a custom cloud-init configuration file" "pause", "freeze a server's state" "resume", "resume a paused server" "start", "start server" "stop", "stop server" "reboot", "reboot server" "delete", "delete an instance" "show", "show detailed information about an instance" "rescue --image ", "boot up a live environment with a specific image attached to an instance" nova ~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "evacuate", "live migrate one or all instances from one compute host to another" "migrate", "migrate all instances from one compute node to another after shutting down the instances" "force-delete", "forcefully delete an instance" "set-password", "change root password" Neutron ------- openstack port-* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "port-create", "create port" "port-delete", "delete port" openstack firewall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "group rule list", "show firewall rules" "group rule show", "show information about a specific firewall rule" openstack floating ip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "floatingip-create", "add public IP to pool" "floatingip-delete", "remove public IP from pool" "floatingip-associate", "add public IP to VM" "floatingip-disassociate", "remove public IP from VM" openstack network ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Package: python-neutronclient .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "create", "create a network" "delete", "delete a network" "list", "show all networks" "set", "change the setting of a network" "show", "show details about a given network" "agent list", "show all Neutron related services and if they are running" .. csv-table:: :header: Example, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "create --provider:network_type={flat|vlan|vxlan|gre} --provider:physical_network= --shared ", "create a public network tied to a physical interface" neutron ~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "purge", "delete all Neutron objects in a given project" "dhcp-agent-list-hosting-net", "show all DHCP agents and their status for a given network" "dhcp-agent-network-remove", "disable a DHCP agent" "dhcp-agent-network-add", "re-enable a DHCP agent" "lbaas-loadbalancer-create ", "create a load balancer tied to a subnet" "lbaas-listener-create --loadbalancer --protocol TCP --protocol-port=", "create a listener/rule for the load balancer" "lbaas-pool-create --lb-algorithm ROUND_ROBIN --listener --protocol TCP", "create a pool tied to a listener" "lbaas-member-create --subnet --address --protocol-port ", "add IPs to the pool to load balancer" "floatingip-create ext-net --port-id ", "associate a floating IP with the load balancer's VIP port" Ironic ------- openstack baremetal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 node list, list all bare-metal servers deployed by Ironic node list --long, list but with all of the details of each node node maintenance set , turn maintenance mode on to disallow it from having health checks or being in new deployments node maintenance unset , turn off maintenance mode node manage , place a node into the ""manageable"" state to allow for introspection node provide , place a node into the ""available"" state to allow for deployment node unset --property capabilities, remove all capabilities node clean , zero out all of the storage devices managed by Ironic "node clean --clean-steps '[{""interface"": ""deploy"", ""step"": ""erase_devices_metadata""}]' ", only clean the partition table metadata node vif list , show all virtual interfaces from Neutron that are attached node vif detach , detach a virtual interface from the node introspection abort , stop introspection introspection data save , display the JSON output of the introspection data for a specific node introspection interface list , list all of the network interfaces found during introspection .. csv-table:: :header: Example, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "openstack baremetal introspection data save | python -m json.tool", view the introspection data in a human readable format Ceilometer ---------- ceilometer ~~~~~~~~~~ Package: python-ceilometerclient .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "meter-list", "show available meters" "meter-list --query project=", "call this after the first ceilometer option (i.e. meter-list) to show all related results for a specific project" Heat ---- openstack stack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manage Heat stacks. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "--wait", "wait for the stack to be created before returning the user to their shell prompt" "list", "show all of the Heat stacks in use" Swift ----- openstack object ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Package: python-swiftclient .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "list", "list all containers" "upload ", "upload a file to a container" "save ", "download a file from a Swift container" TripleO ------- openstack undercloud ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 install, install the Undercloud using the ~/undercloud.conf configuration file minion install, (>= Train) install Minion services (minimal Heat and Ironic) on another Undercloud node upgrade, update the Undercloud to the latest minor version or upgrade to the latest major version (based on which packages are available) upgrade --skip-package-updates, do not update the RPM packages (in case they have already been updated manually) upgrade --no-validations, do not run upgrade validations openstack overcloud ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mange the Overcloud from a TripleO deployment of OpenStack. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 execute -s overcloud