HTTP Servers ============ .. contents:: Table of Contents Apache 2.4 ---------- The Apache HTTP Server Project is designed to provide a versatile open source HTTP and HTTPS web server. It is one of the top used web servers. [1] Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is generally one primary Apache configuration file that then includes other possible configuration files. Fedora file: /etc/http/conf/httpd.conf Debian file: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf Options: - ServerRoot = Specify what directory Apache should use as a relative path. - Example: ServerRoot "/etc/httpd" - Listen = What port (and optionally address) Apache should listen on. - Example #1: Listen - Example #2: Listen 443 - User = The user that Apache should be run as. - Example: User apache - Group = The group that Apache should be run with. - ServerAdmin = Provide an e-mail address that will get e-mails when there are any errors. - LogLevel = Specify how verbose logging should be. - error - warn - info - debug - ErrorDocument = Provide a custom page for specific error numbers. This can either be text, a file, script, or redirect. - Example #1: ErrorDocument 500 "Contact your System Administrator for help. Thank you." - Example #2: ErrorDocument 403 "/cgi-bin/you\_didnt\_say\_the\_magic\" - ErrorLog = The file to use for the error log. - CustomLog = The file to use for logging Apache access information. - IncludeOptional = Specify what directory (under ServerRoot) to load other configurations from. - Example: IncludeOptional conf.d/\*.conf [2] Verify that the configuration is correct with one of these commands: .. code-block:: sh $ sudo apachectl configtest .. code-block:: sh $ sudo httpd -t Virtual Hosts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A virtual host file is part of the configuration that is required for Apache to load a domain. Syntax: :: Options: - ServerName = The main domain name for the virtual host. - ServerAlias = Other domains associated with the virtual host - DocumentRoot = The directory where the domain loads its files from. - DirectoryIndex = The main file that is loaded up in a directory, if found. Default: "index.html" or "index.htm." - LogLevel, ErrorLog, and CustomLog = Refer to the `Apache Configuration <#apache---configuration>`__ section. Example: :: ServerName rootpages.tld ServerAlias www.rootpages.tld DirectoryIndex index.html DocumentRoot /var/www/html/rootpages/ LogLevel warn ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/rootpages_tld.error_log CustomLog /var/log/httpd/rootpages_tld.custom_log [3] Files, Directories, and Locations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Different settings can be used on items based on if a matched file, directory, or location is found. Regular expressions can be used to match different areas. - File = Match a specific file name. - Syntax: :: - Directory = Match a specific directory name. - Syntax: :: - Location = Match any location. This can be a directory, alias, or a redirect path. - Syntax: :: Options: - Require = Set an access control list to allow certain hosts or IPs. - all = Apply the rule to all hosts. - host = Apply the rule to a specific host. - ip = Apply the rule to an IP address - granted = Allow the matched rule. - denied = Deny the matched rule. - Require not [all\|host\|ip] = Deny access to a host or IP. This should be configured after a Require rule. [4] - Options = Specify attributes of the matched area. Enable an option with a "+" or disable it with "-". If no sign is present, Apache assumes it should be enabled. If at least one option requires a sign then all of the other options will need a sign. - All = Allow of the options. - ExecGI = Allow CGI scripts to be executed. - Includes = Allow HTML include functionality to include files server-side. - IncludesNOEXEC = The same as Includes but it does not allow HTML files to execute commands or scripts. - Indexes = Show the content of a directory if the DirectoryIndex is not found. - FollowSymLinks = Allow symlinks to different directories. [5] A combination of a "Require all" or "Require not all" and then an explicit allow/deny list can only be used within a "RequireAll" block. :: Require all granted Require not ip Require not host server.hostname.tld Authentication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Locations can be secured by a username and password. Users can also be assigned to groups. Create an Apache user. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/conf.d/passwd Another user can be appended to this file by omitting the "-c" create option. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo htpasswd /etc/httpd/conf.d/passwd A new file can be created to assign multiple users to a group. File: /etc/httpd/conf.d/group :: : Authentication can now be applied to any location. [6] The syntax is: :: AuthType Basic AuthName "Login Prompt Text" AuthUserFile "/path/to/passwd/file" AuthGroupFile "/path/to/group/file" Require [user|group] Example #1: :: AuthType Basic AuthName "Please Login" AuthUserFile "/etc/httpd/conf.d/joe_passwd" Require user joe Example #2: :: AuthType Basic AuthName "Spring 2016 Class Login" AuthUserFile "/etc/httpd/conf.d/passwds" AuthGroupFile "/etc/httpd/conf.d/spring_2016" Require group spring_2016 CGI ~~~ The common gateway interface (CGI) is a method of the web server executing a script and then sending the results to a web browser. The default way to handle dynamic CGI programs is to use the "mod\_cgi" module. In the main configuration, the new CGI bin folder has to be aliased to /cgi-bin/. This way Apache knows that this should be a CGI folder. :: ScriptAlias "/cgi-bin/" "/path/to/custom/cgi-bin/" Then the directory can be configured. It needs to allow the execution of CGI, set everything in the folder to be executable via the cgi-script handler, and allow access to it. :: Options +ExecCGI SetHandler cgi-script Require all granted All CGI scripts have to either be a binary or have a shebang that indicates the path to the binary that should execute the program. An example shebang is "#!/bin/bash." The program will also need to first print out "Content-type: text/html" so the web browser knows that it is a HTML page. An example is shown below. .. code-block:: sh #!/bin/bash echo "Content-type: text/html" echo "CGI Test Page" All scripts should have readable and executable Unix permissions by the anonymous user ("other") access category. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo chmod -R o+rx /path/to/custom/cgi-bin/ [7] SELinux ~~~~~~~ Red Hat Enterprise Linux and related distributions use SELinux as an extra layer of security. In this case, by having SELinux, this ensures that a compromised Apache cannot listen on non-standard ports or access directories outside of it's scope. There may be cases where an administrator needs to expand Apache's access so SELinux permissions will need to be modified. Install the troubleshooting utilities: .. code-block:: sh $ sudo yum install setroubleshoot View the current Apache ports allowed by SELinux: .. code-block:: sh $ sudo semanage port -l | grep ^http_port_t http_port_t tcp 80, 81, 443, 488, 8008, 8009, 8443, 9000 Add a new allowed TCP port: .. code-block:: sh $ sudo semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp Lookup the Apache SELinux file context permissions. It should be "httpd\_sys\_content\_t." .. code-block:: sh $ ls -lahZ /var/www/html/ drwxr-xr-x. root root system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t:s0 . drwxr-xr-x. root root system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t:s0 .. Permanently fix SELinux permissions on a custom directory using the semanage tool and then apply the permissions by running restorecon: .. code-block:: sh $ sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t "/path/to/custom/dir(/.*)?" $ sudo restorecon -Rv /path/to/custom/dir [8] NGINX ----- NGINX was originally designed to be a proxy server and had eventually added the functionality of being a HTTP web server. For HTTP, it is focused on high-performance static content handling. Dynamic scripts must be processed by a different web server. Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The NGINX configuration file ``/etc/nginx/nginx.conf`` contains different blocks defined by using brackets ``{}``. Each line in the file (besides that brackets) must end in a semicolon ``;``. Comments can be created with a pound ``#`` symbol. [1] Below are some of the more common configuration settings. - main = This is not a block. It is outside of the "events" and "http" directives. These settings affect how the main NGINX process is spawned and handled. - error\_log = The global error log file. - load\_module = Load an external NGINX module. - pid = The file to store the main process ID (PID) of NGINX. - user = The user to run as. - worker\_processes = The number of threads to spawn. - auto = Automatically use the number of threads that the server has. - events = Settings that affect how the NGINX process handles each request. - worker\_connections = The number of connections that can be handled by each worker process. - http = Global settings for the HTTP web server. - disable\_symlinks - off = Default. Follow symlinks. - on = Do not follow symlinks. - if\_not\_owner = Only follow a symlink if the destination file is owned by the same user. - from = Only disable symlinks originating from a specific location. - error\_log - error\_page ```` ```` = The error page that should be used for a particular HTTP error code. - root = The root directory to load up. - server = A virtual host definition. This defines what ports to listen on, what IP address or hostname to be associated with, on and locations to serve content from. - error\_log - error\_page - etag = Turn MD5 checksum (etag) generation on or off. - listen ``{|
:}`` = The port and/or address to listen on for the virtual host. - root - server\_name = A list (separated by spaces) of domain names that the virtual host should respond to. - try\_files $uri $uri/\ ```` = Specify the default file to load for any given request. Typically this is ``index.html``. - location = The URL path after a domain name that NGINX should load and how to handle it. For example, the location "/admin" would define what to do when a web browser accesses ````. - alias = A different path that the location should load. - disable\_symlinks - error\_log - error\_page - root - try\_files [10][11] :: # Main. events { # Connection process settings. } http { # Global HTTP settings. server { # Virtual host content. location { # How to handle a path to a URL. } } } [9] Squid ----- Squid is a caching proxy. It can cache content to RAM and/or a directory. These are the supported protocols that can be proxied and cached [14]: - FMP - FTP - Gopher - GSS-HTTP - HTTP - HTTPS - Multiling-HTTP - WAIS There are some limitations with Squid proxy cache: - Does not natively work with content delivery networks (CDNs) that change the HTTP headers or DNS. That content will not be cached unless filter rules for a specific CDN are added. - `Here `__ is an example of how to configure a filter for the Steam CDN to work with Squid. - For HTTPS caching, it does not use the original SSL/TLS certificate from the website. Proxy clients will only see certificates that are dynamically created by Squid. - This requires setting up the CA of Squid on all proxy clients. Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Squid configuration file is ``/etc/squid/squid.conf``. The configuration settings below are listed in order of when they should be defined from first to last. Size types can be defined as ``bytes``, ``KB``, or ``MB``. - ``acl localnet src `` = Networks that are allowed to use this Squid proxy. - ``acl SSL_ports port 443`` = Allow proxying with HTTPS. This also requires ``acl Safe_ports port 443`` to be set. - ``acl Safe_ports port `` = The ports/services that will be proxied. Valid values are: - ``21`` = FTP. - ``70`` - Gopher. - ``80`` = HTTP. - ``210`` = WAIS. - ``443`` = HTTPS. - ``488`` = GSS-HTTP. - ``591`` = FMP. - ``777`` = Multiling-HTTP. - ``1025-65535`` = Proxy any service on this range of unregistered ports. - ``acl CONNECT method CONNECT`` = This has to be defined after the ``acl Safe_ports port `` rules. It allows connections to all of the ports defined by ``acl Safe_ports`` rules. - ``http_access [allow|deny] `` = Define what hosts and ports are allowed to access this Squid proxy. - Default: :: http_access deny !Safe_ports http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports http_access allow localhost manager http_access deny manager http_access allow localnet http_access allow localhost http_access deny all - ``http_port `` = The Squid proxy port to listen on. Other configuration options such as SSL/TLS certificates can be set here. - Default: :: http_port 3128 - ``cache_mem `` = The total size of RAM cache for files. - ``cache_dir ufs `` = The directory, size, and count of directories to use for caching content when the RAM cache becomes full. The most important values to tweak are the directory path and cache size. - Default: :: cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 100 16 256 - ``minimum_object_size `` = The minimum file size to cache in RAM or in a directory. - ``maximum_object_size `` = The maximum file size to cache in RAM or in a directory. - ``minimum_object_size_in_memory `` = The minimum file size to cache in RAM. - ``maximum_object_size_in_memory `` = The maximum file size to cache in RAM. - ``refresh_pattern [-i] `` = Regular expression patterns that determine what files will be cached. [15] Use ``-i`` to ignore character casing. - Default: :: refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080 refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440 refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0 refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320 - Examples: - ``refresh_pattern -i \.(bmp|eps|gif|ico|jpg|jpeg|jpegxl|jxl|png|thumb|tif|tiff|webp)$ 1440 90% 40320 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private`` = Cache all images for a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 30 days. This also ignores cache headers received from the HTTP server and enforces new caching times. - ``refresh_pattern -i \.(3gp|aac|au|avi|flac|flv|iso|m4a|mp3|mdi|mov|mp4|mpeg|ogg|qt|ram|swf|wav|wma|wmv|x-flv)$ 1440 90% 40320 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private`` = Cache all audio/video files. - ``refresh_pattern -i \.(7z|7zip|arc|bcm|bin|br|brotli|bz2|bzip2|cpio|gz|gzip|pea|rar|raw|tar|tgz|wim|zip|xz|zst|zstd)$ 1440 90% 40320 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private`` = Cache all archives. - ``refresh_pattern -i \.(cab|deb|dll|exe|msi|pkg|rpm|so|sys)$ 1440 90% 40320 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private`` = Cache executable, installer, and system files. - ``refresh_pattern -i \.(doc|docx|fodg|fodp|fods|fodt|md|odf|odg|odp|ods|odt|pdf|ppt|pptx|rtf|txt|text|xls|xlsx)$ 1440 90% 40320 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private`` = Cache all documents. - ``refresh_pattern -i \.(css|js|jsp|htm|html|rss|xml|yaml|yml)$ 1440 90% 40320 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private`` = Cache website files. - ``refresh_pattern -i* 1440 90% 40320`` = Cache all content on YouTube. - ``refresh_pattern (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0`` = Do not cache dynamic websites that use CGI to prevent issues with them. - ``refresh_pattern . 1440 90% 40320`` = Cache everything. Squid cannot cache all types of content but it will cache what it can. [16] Status Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Squid has an access log that provides information about files that proxy clients are trying to access. Viewing this file is useful for determining if caching is working based on status codes. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log Status codes: - TCP_MISS/200 = A file was not found in the cache. If Squid is configured to cache the file type, it will do it automatically during this step. - TCP_REFRESH_MODIFIED/200 = A cached file was found but the remote HTTP server reports that it needs to be invalidated/deleted and then updated. - TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/200 = A cached file was found and the remote server reports that it does not need to be updated. - TCP_INM_HIT/304 = A cached file was found and the remote HTTP server reports that it does not need to be updated. - TCP_MEM_HIT/200 = A cached file was found and used from RAM. - TCP_HIT/200 = A cached file was found and used from the local directory cache. - NONE = A generic response code for unpredictable scenarios. Any code with ``HIT`` in the name means that the cache is working and is being served to the client. [17] HTTPS ~~~~~ For caching HTTPS content, Squid acts as middleware. It first gets the content from the HTTPS website, then it caches it, and finally it will serve it to proxy clients. The difference between HTTPS and HTTP caching is that HTTPS requires Squid to have its own certificate authority (CA) to automatically generate new SSL/TLS certificates for the HTTPS website it is proxying to the client. This is because the original websites SSL/TLS certificate has already been terminated and Squid cannot spoof that. **Server:** - Install Squid with OpenSSL support compiled in. - Debian: .. code-block:: sh $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install squid-openssl - Create a CA that will expire in 10 years. This command will generate a certificate and private signing key. Combine these two files into one file for easier use in Squid. .. code-block:: sh $ openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -x509 -extensions v3_ca -keyout squid-ca-key.pem -out squid-ca-cert.pem $ cat squid-ca-cert.pem squid-ca-key.pem > squid-ca-cert-key.pem - Move the certificate into the Squid configuration directory. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo mkdir /etc/squid/certs/ $ sudo mv squid-ca-cert-key.pem /etc/squid/certs/ - On Fedora, correct the permissions of this new directory and CA file to be owned by ``squid``. [18] On Debian, it will use the ``root`` user and group so no change is necessary. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo chown squid:squid -R /etc/squid/certs - Configure Squid to use the CA for assisting with HTTPS caching by using SSL/TLS bumping. :: # Allow proxy clients on a local network. acl localnet src # Allow caching for FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS. acl SSL_ports port 443 acl Safe_ports port 21 acl Safe_ports port 80 acl Safe_ports port 443 acl CONNECT method CONNECT ## Default access rules. http_access deny !Safe_ports http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports http_access allow localhost manager http_access deny manager http_access allow localnet http_access allow localhost http_access deny all # HTTPS proxy. ## Cache 20 MB worth of SSL/TLS certificates (about 5000 certificates). http_port 3128 ssl-bump \ cert=/etc/squid/certs/squid-ca-cert-key.pem \ generate-host-certificates=on dynamic_cert_mem_cache_size=20MB sslcrtd_program /usr/lib/squid/security_file_certgen -s /var/lib/ssl_db -M 20MB acl step1 at_step SslBump1 ssl_bump peek step1 ssl_bump bump all ssl_bump splice all # Cache size settings. ## 4 GB in RAM. cache_mem 4096 MB ## 16 GB in local directory. cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 16000 16 256 # Only cache files in RAM that are 20 MB or less in size. minimum_object_size 0 bytes maximum_object_size_in_memory 20 MB # Cache files up to 1 GB in size. maximum_object_size 1000 MB # Do not cache CGI websites. refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0 # Cache everything else. refresh_pattern . 1440 90% 40320 - Create the SSL/TLS certificate cache database. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo /usr/lib/squid/security_file_certgen -c -s /var/lib/ssl_db -M 20MB - Start and enable the service. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo systemctl enable --now squid [19] **Client:** - `Import the CA <../security/linux_security.html#trusted-certificate-authorities>`__ to the system. - Configure the system to use the proxy. On Linux, proxy settings use lowercase naming. On Windows, proxy settings use uppercase naming. Some applications support one or the other. It is best to set all possible combinations. .. code-block:: sh $ export http_proxy=":3128" $ export https_proxy="${http_proxy}" $ export ftp_proxy="${http_proxy}" $ export HTTP_PROXY="${http_proxy}" $ export HTTPS_PROXY="${http_proxy}" $ export FTP_PROXY="${http_proxy}" - Web browsers, such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, do not use the global proxy or CA. The proxy needs to be configured and the CA needs to be added manually to the web browser. OpenSSL ------- OpenSSL is a free and open source library for managing secure socket layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption. [12] PEM files can either be a single certificate or a full encapsulation of all related certificates and keys. This is useful for distributing an SSL by using only one file. A minimal PEM file can contain just a certificate. If using a self-signed SSL, both the certificate and then the key can be included. For SSLs issued from a Certificate Authority (CA), the full syntax should be used to include all of the necessary content. It includes the domain's certificate (MY CERTIFICATE), the certificates from the CA bundle (INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE and ROOT CERTIFICATE), and then then domain's certificate key (RSA PRIVATE KEY). Minimal Syntax: .. code-block:: sh -----BEGIN MY CERTIFICATE----- -----END MY CERTIFICATE----- Full Self-signed Syntax: .. code-block:: sh -----BEGIN MY CERTIFICATE----- -----END MY CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- Full Verified Syntax: .. code-block:: sh -----BEGIN MY CERTIFICATE----- -----END MY CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE----- -----END INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE----- -----END INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN ROOT CERTIFICATE----- -----END ROOT CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- [13] History ------- - `Latest `__ - `< 2020.01.01 `__ - `< 2019.01.01 `__ - `< 2018.01.01 `__ Bibliography ------------ 1. "The Number One HTTP Server On The Internet." Apache HTTP Server Project. Accessed October 1, 2016. 2. "Configure the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file." Securing and Optimizing Linux. 2000. Accessed October 1, 2016. 3. "Set up Apache virtual hosts on Ubuntu." Rackspace Network Support. July 8, 2016. Accessed October 1, 2016. 4. "Access Control." Apache HTTP Server Project. Accessed October 1, 2016. 5. "Options Directive." Apache HTTP Server Project. Accessed October 1, 2016. 6. "Authentication and Authorization." Apache HTTP Server Project. Accessed October 1, 2016. 7. "Apache Tutorial: Dynamic Content with CGI." Apache HTTP Server Project. Accessed October 1, 2016. 8. "HowTos SELinux." CentOS Wiki. February 26, 2017. Accessed May 7, 2017. 9. "NGINX Beginner’s Guide." NGINX Documentation. April 18, 2017. Accessed May 7, 2017.\_guide.html 10. "`NGINX <#nginx>`__ Core functionality." NGINX Documentation. April 18, 2017. Accessed May 7, 2017.\_core\_module.html 11. "`NGINX <#nginx>`__ Module ngx\_http\_core\_module." NGINX Documentation. April 18, 2017. Accessed May 7, 2017.\_http\_core\_module.html 12. "Welcome to OpenSSL!" Accessed November 27, 2016. 13. "HAProxy Comodo SSL." Stack Overflow. August 31, 2013. Accessed November 27, 2016. 14. "40 Squid Caching Proxy Server." SUSE Documentation. Accessed August 16, 2022. 15. "How to cache all data with squid (Facebook, videos, downloads and .exe) on QNAP." Super User. July 4, 2019. Accessed August 17, 2022. 16. "Chapter 3. Configuring the Squid caching proxy server." Red Hat Customer Portal. Accessed August 17, 2022. 17. "How to live demo a web app with lousy internet." July 24, 2017. Accessed August 18, 2022. 18. "Using Squid to Proxy SSL Sites." Karim's Blog. January 5, 2019. Accessed August 16, 2022. 19. "How I Saved Tons of GBs with HTTPs Caching." Medium - Rasika Perera. September 17, 2021. Accessed August 16, 2022.