Source Code Management ====================== .. contents:: Table of Contents See also: Administrative, Configuration Management, LFH, Shell git --- The manual pages for each primary git argument can be found by running ``$ man git-``. git ~~~ Package: git Git is used for version controlling files. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "--work-tree= --git-dir=/.git", "change the git working directory to ````" "init", "initialize an empty git directory" "reset --hard", "deletes all local changes" "status -v", "shows files that have been modified and not pushed yet" "diff ", "shows deletions and inserts of the actual changes between this branch and a specified branch" diff --staged, show the patch/difference of commits that are staged to be committed "fetch --tags", "pull the latest tags" "grep", "search for specific strings in all of the files" "blame", "show who made a specific commit" "merge --squash", "condense all commits into one" "reflog ", "show the local git history" "-c", "specify a configuration option to temporarily override" "-c http.sslVerify=false", "turn off SSL verification to use self-signed SSLs" git remote ~~~~~~~~~~ Configure additional related Git repositories to manage. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "add origin", "add a GitHub project URL" "set-url origin", "change the repo URL" "set-url origin", "change a local repository to use a SSH connection to GitHub" git config ~~~~~~~~~~ Manage the local settings for git repositories and users. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "--global", "modify the global configuration" --edit, edit the local configuration file interactively --global --edit, edit the global configuration file interactively "--list", "shows current Git user information" "--get .", "shows what a specific variable is set to" "", "change username" "", "change e-mail" "remote.origin.url", "the repository URL" "--unset .", "unset a variable" git clone ~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "--depth ", "only download the last amount of commits" --branch , clone a repository and all of it's branches and then switch to the specified branch --single-branch --branch , clone only one specific branch from a repository git pull ~~~~~~~~ Download the latest commits from a remote git repository. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "origin", "download all of the different branch information" "origin ", "download a specific branch" .. csv-table:: :header: Example, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "origin devel", "download the devel branch" git add ~~~~~~~ Stage commits. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 ".", "add all changes to files in the currently working directory and below to be committed" "", "add all changes to a specific file to be committed" git commit ~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "-m ''", "provide a commit comment" -s, automatically sign off on the commit (add the git name and email address) "--amend", "change the last commit message" --amend --no-edit, update the current commit and keep the same message --amend --reset-author, update the author name and email on the current commit git push ~~~~~~~~ Upload commits to a git repository. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "origin", "push all local commits, branches, and tags to the remote origin" "origin ", "upload a new read-only tag branch" "origin master", "upload your changes to the master branch" "origin --delete ", "delete a remote branch" "-f, --force", "force a push that will rewrite the commit history to mirror the local commits" git branch ~~~~~~~~~~ Manage branches. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "", "show local branches" "-b", "create a new branch" "-d", "delete a branch" "-D", "delete a remote branch; use 'git push origin :' to fully remove it after this command is run" "-a", "show all local and remote branches" "-r", "show remote branches only" "-m", "rename a branch" git tag ~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "", "show tags" "", "create a special tag branch; useful for saving specific versions of a software" git checkout ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Change the currently active branch. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "", "use a different branch" "--track -b", "checkout a remote branch" git merge ~~~~~~~~~ Merge one or more commits between branches. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "", "merge a specified branch to the current branch" git reset ~~~~~~~~~ Undo changes to the current branch. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "@{#}", "switch to a specific commit" "--soft HEAD~1", "undo the last saved commit; the file changes will be preserved" "--hard HEAD~1", "undo the last saved commit; all changes from the current commit will be lost" "--hard", "remove all uncommitted changes" git clean ~~~~~~~~~~ Delete inodes that are not part of the git repository. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 -f, delete files -d, delete empty directories -x, delete hidden files or directories .. csv-table:: :header: Example, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 -fdx, delete all files and directories that do not belong to the git repository git stash ~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "save", "temporarily save uncommitted changes in a branch and revert to HEAD; this is useful for saving changes and then switching to another branch" "pop", "revert back from HEAD to the committed changes" git fsck ~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "", "fix issues with the Git project by syncing against the remote branches" git count-objects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Count the number of git objects. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "-v", "verbose, show additional size information" "-H", "show the size in human readable format" git log ~~~~~~~ Display the history of commits. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "", "show the commit history of the current branch" "-p ", "show the commit history of only a specific file or directory" , show the commit history for a specific branch git show ~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 , show the patch/diff of a specific commit HEAD, show the newest commit --pretty=full, "show the patch with the commit hash, author, and committer" --pretty=email, "show the patch with the required information to use git over e-mail (commit hash, author, author date, and subject line)" git blame ~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 , find the author and commit hash of each line of code within a file , look for commits from other branches (useful for merge conflicts) git review ~~~~~~~~~~ Manage patches through the Gerrit gating platform. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 -s, automatically configure the local settings for gating jobs "", send a patch for testing and peer review -d , checkout a change-id from Gerrit git reflog ~~~~~~~~~~ View all actions that were down to the local git repository. ``git checkout`` can be used to switch to a commit and/or recreate previous steps. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "", view all of the local changes to and history of the git repository git rebase ~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 , add a commit from another branch to the current one --continue, "after fixing merge conflicts and doing a ``git add``, the rebase will be committed" --abort, revert changes from a cherry pick that has merge conflicts git cherry-pick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 , add a commit from another branch to the current one -x , add a commit from another branch and reference the original commit hash at the bottom of the commit message --continue, "after fixing merge conflicts and doing a ``git add``, the cherry-pick will be committed" --abort, revert changes from a cherry pick that has merge conflicts History ------- - `Latest `__ - `< 2019.01.01 `__