Security ======== .. contents:: Table of Contents See also: Firewalls, Permissions Anti-Virus ---------- clamscan ~~~~~~~~ A free and open source anti-virus command line utility. Run "freshclam" to update the anti-virus database. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "-r", "recursively through folders" "-i", "only output infected files" "--move=", "specify path to move infected files to" Audit ----- Package: audit For Audit to work properly, the service needs to be started. .. code-block:: sh $ sudo systemctl start auditctl auditctl ~~~~~~~~ Log verbose modifications and access to a file. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "-w", "watch a file" "-p arwx", "watch for appending, reading, writing and executing of the file" ausearch ~~~~~~~~ used after setting up auditctl on a file .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "-f", "views log of a given file" "-t", "check for changes during a certain time" Kerberos -------- kadmin (Command) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Package: krb5-workstation Manage the Kerberos Distribution Center (KDC). .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "-q", "run interactive commands" kadmin (Interactive) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "?", "view the available commands" "addprinc ", "create a new principal for a user" "addprinc host/", "create a new principal to allow authentication from a server" "addprinc nfs/", "create an NFS principal" "addprinc cifs/", "create a CIFS/SMB principal" "addprinc ftp/", "create a FTP principal" "ktadd host/", "save the principal to the /etc/krb5.keytab file" "ktremove host/", "remove the principal from the keytab file" "delprinc", "delete a principal" "listprincs", "list principals" klist ~~~~~ View authentication information about Kerberos. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "", "show the current ticket validation status" "-k", "show the contents of the /etc/krb5.keytab file" kdestroy ~~~~~~~~ Revoke a user's Kerberos ticket. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "", "write zeros to the cached ticket file to securely remove it" Local System ------------ Miscellaneous commands for managing security on local systems. genkey ~~~~~~ Package: crypto-keys Generate SSL/TLS certificates. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "", "create a self-signed SSL" gpg ~~~ Package: gnupg .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "--output .gpg --encrypt ", "encrypt a specified file, saving it as a new file" "--output --decrypt .gpg", "decrypt an encrypted file, saving it as a new file" lastb ~~~~~ Package: util-linux .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "", "shows last failed login attempts" lastlog ~~~~~~~ Package: shadow-utils .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "", "shows inform about the last logins" sudo ~~~~ Package: sudo Allow non-root accounts to temporarily run privileged commands. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "-E", "keeps sudo enabled for the current shell session" History ------- - `Latest `__ - `< 2019.01.01 `__