Configuration Management ======================== .. contents:: Table of Contents See also: Administrative, LFH, Shell Ansible ------- ansible ~~~~~~~~ Package: ansible .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "all", "connect to all nodes" "-m -a '='", "run an Ansible module and then provide it arguments" "-m ping", "run the ping module to see if Ansible can connect to the inventory" "-m shell -a ''", "use the shell module to execute shell commands remotely with use all of the given arguments" "-m setup", "show all facts for one host" "--ssh-extra-args=''", "specify additional SSH options" "-u ", "connect as a specific user" "--sudo", "run Ansible tasks via sudo as that user" "-e", "specify extras variables in YAML or JSON format" "-f", "the number of forked processes to use to run tasks on multiple hosts; the default is to run on 5 hosts at a time; this is similar to the 'serial' module" " --list-hosts", "list all hosts in a given inventory group" ansible-config ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Package: ansible >= 2.4 .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "view", "view the full configuration file" "dump", "view all of the configuration settings that are loaded" "list", "view all the available configuration settings and their descriptions" ansible-doc ~~~~~~~~~~~ Package: ansible .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "-l", "list all of the available modules" "", "show documentation about a specified " "--snippet ", "provide a YAML template for available options in the module and a brief explanation of each possible option" -t lookup -l, show all Ansible lookups -t lookup , show documentation about a specific lookup ansible-playbook ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "-i ", "specify an inventory (host/group) file" "-vvv", "verbose debug logging" "--list-tags", "list the tags in the Playbook" "--list-hosts", "list all of the hosts that the Playbook will run on" "--tags", "run only tasks with a certain tag keyword" "--skip-tags", "skip tasks that contain a certain tag" "--step", "run a Playbook task-by-task, asking the user if they want to continue" "--start-at-task", "start at a specific subtask" "--limit ", "limit the Playbook to only run on specific hosts" "--limit @", "limit the Playbook to only run on specific hosts listed in a file" "-e, --extra-vars", "define new or overriding variables" "-e @", "use variables from a specified file" "--diff", "show file and template changes if they replace an existing file" "--check", "run a test of the Playbook without making any changes to the remote system" "--syntax-check", "verify the syntax of the Playbook" .. csv-table:: :header: Example, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "-e '{""enable_nginx"": true}'", "pass a boolean variable, this can only be done using JSON" ansible-tower-service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Package: ansible-tower Manage all of the Ansible Tower services on a single node. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "status", "show the status for all of the Ansible Tower services" "start", "" "stop", "" "restart", "" ansible-vault ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Package: ansible Use Ansible to manage file encryption for playbooks. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "create", "create a new encrypted file" encrypt_string, encrypt a string instead of a file "view", "open an encrypted file as read-only" "edit", "open an encrypted file to write" "--ask-vault-pass", "display a prompt to get the password from stdin" "--vault-password-file ", "specify the file containing the password" awx-manage ~~~~~~~~~~~ Package: ansible-tower The awx-manage command was formerly known as tower-manage. It is used to show and modify internal information about Ansible Tower. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 " --help", "show the help information for any of tower-manage argument" "changepassword ", "change the password for a user" "createsuperuser", "create a new administrator user" "inventory_import --source= --inventory-name=", "import a inventory file to an existing Tower inventory" "list_instances", "show all Ansible Tower hosts" "dbshell", "connect to the PostgreSQL server and open a interactive shell" molecule ~~~~~~~~ Package: python3-molecule A testing framework for Ansible that uses virtual test environments. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 init role -r, create a new role with support for Molecule test, "create the test environments, run tests, and then destroy the environment" test -s , run a full test on a specific scenario test --parallel, run tests in parallel test --destroy never, run tests but do not destroy the environment when done test --all, run a full test on all of the scenarios in the molecule/ directory test -d , run tests with a different driver create, create the environment destroy, delete the environment converge, create the environment and run all of the tests login, log into the environment ~~~~~~~~ Package: ansible-tower-setup-latest.tar.gz The "" script is part of the Ansible Tower setup tarball that is used for installation. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "-b", "run the Playbook to backup Tower as a tarball in the current directory" "-r", "restore a backup of Tower" tower-cli ~~~~~~~~~ Package: python2-ansible-tower-cli A CLI for interfacing with the Ansible Tower API. .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "config {host|username|password}", "define the login credentials for accessing Tower" "config", "view the configuration file that is being used" "--help", "show the available commands" " --help", "show the help output for a specific argument" "--monitor", "show Job output" "job_template callback", "provision a Template to the local server" Puppet ------- All of the Puppet binaries, including Ruby related ones, are installed into ``/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/``. facter ~~~~~~ Package: puppet-agent .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 "", display the system facts "", display a specific fact and it's nested values -p, display the system and puppet facts -j, output to JSON -y, output to YAML parser validate, validate a manifest file .. csv-table:: :header: Example, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 disks -y, show all of the facts about disks and output them into YAML puppet ~~~~~~ Package: puppet-agent .. csv-table:: :header: Usage, Explanation :widths: 20, 20 apply --noop --show_diff .pp, run in a dry-run and show the differences of what would have been changed --version, show the Puppet version History ------- - `Latest `__ - `< 2019.01.01 `__